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Explainable AI : understanding how AI makes decisions


A Brief Definition of XAI

Understanding the behavior of artificial intelligence (AI) systems is crucial to ensuring that the models operate as intended. This understanding aids in optimizing their performance more effectively and mitigating potential risks by identifying and addressing biases, enhancing transparency, and promoting robust and ethical decision-making processes.

As AI models are becoming more complex, understanding the algorithms' decision-making processes becomes more challenging. This complexity often results in what is known as a "black box" problem, where the internal workings of the models are opaque, and the specific steps leading to a particular result are not clear.

Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is becoming essential for building trust and confidence in AI models. XAI encompasses a set of processes and methods designed to help us understand and trust the outcomes produced by machine learning algorithms. The main goals of XAI are to describe AI models, their expected impacts, and potential biases. It helps to characterize model accuracy, fairness, transparency, and decision-making. Below we can see the example of an XAI system explaining an image classification prediction made by Google’s Inception neural network. The top 3 classes predicted are “Electric Guitar” (p = 0.32), “Acoustic guitar” (p = 0.24), and “Labrador” (p = 0.21). In the part 2 of this article we describe different XAI systems and tools, including the method that we use at Posos.

(Figure taken from LIME paper)

But do we really need XAI? In an era where AI increasingly drives decisions across various domains, from healthcare to finance, the need for XAI has never been more critical. Organizations must fully comprehend AI decision-making processes rather than relying on them blindly. XAI serves as a bridge, making complex machine learning algorithms, including deep learning and neural networks, understandable to humans. This comprehension is vital for ensuring accountability, building trust, and fostering responsible AI deployment.

The 'Black Box' Problem

One of the most significant challenges in AI is the 'Black Box' problem. As mentioned before, many AI models, especially those with nested and non-linear architectures, operate in a manner that makes unclear their internal workings. This opacity creates a scenario where the specific steps and data transformations leading to a decision are hidden from the user, making it difficult to understand how and why certain outcomes are produced.

 (Figure taken from here)

The lack of transparency inherent in 'Black Box' models can severely undermine trust in AI systems. When stakeholders cannot see or understand the decision-making process, they may be hesitant to rely on the AI's output, particularly in sensitive applications like medical diagnostics or criminal justice. This opacity can lead to skepticism and resistance, as users and regulators may question the fairness and reliability of the AI's decisions.

💡 The Black Box prevents from understanding why a model work or doesn’t and makes the search for better AI models more expensive.

The 'Black Box' nature of many AI models also retards progress in the field. Without a clear understanding of why a model works or fails, researchers and developers face significant challenges in optimizing and improving AI systems. This lack of insight not only increases the time and cost associated with refining models but also slows down the discovery of new, more efficient architectures. The complexity and cost of experimentation become barriers to innovation, stalling advancements in AI technology.

💡 The Black Box issue allows adversarial attacks and makes it harder to build safe AI (hallucination etc…).

Safety and fairness are critical considerations in AI development. The 'Black Box' issue complicates efforts to ensure that AI systems are safe and equitable. For example, without transparency, it is difficult to identify and mitigate biases that may be encoded in the model, leading to unfair outcomes based on race, gender, or other protected attributes. Moreover, the lack of understanding of a model's inner workings makes it challenging to safeguard against adversarial attacks, where malicious inputs are crafted to deceive the AI. This vulnerability can lead to unintended consequences, such as AI systems producing harmful or nonsensical outputs, known as hallucinations.

💡 White box are less complex models that allow humans to easily interpret how they produced their output.

While 'Black Box' models pose significant challenges, the concept of 'White Box' AI—where every decision-making process is fully transparent and understandable—is also not without its complications. These models started to rise in popularity since they can produce reliable and useful predictions due to their tendency to be more linear. However, they do not produce commonly groundbreaking results, and they are not suitable for modeling more complex relationships, which can also lead to lower accuracy.

Some level of abstraction and complexity is inevitable in advanced AI systems. While complete transparency may not always be achievable, the goal should be to maximize interpretability and provide sufficient explanations for critical decisions. This nuanced understanding is essential for balancing the trade-offs between model complexity and interpretability. Therefore, to address the 'Black Box' issue, XAI focuses on developing methods and tools that make AI systems more interpretable. Techniques such as feature importance analysis, surrogate models, and visualization tools can provide insights into how AI models make decisions. By enhancing interpretability, XAI not only improves trust and accountability but also facilitates better model auditing and compliance with regulatory requirements.

The Different Faces of XAI

XAI is not a monolithic concept but rather a collection of techniques tailored to different needs and contexts. We describe below some of the many faces of XAI.

  • Explaining or Interpreting?

There is often confusion between the terms "explainability" and "interpretability." While they are frequently used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings and nuances. Explainability refers to the ability to provide an explanation for the behavior of an AI model, focusing on making the model's decisions understandable. For instance, an AI system used in loan approval might explain why a particular application was approved or denied based on specific criteria like credit score and income. Interpretability, on the other hand, is concerned with the degree to which a human can understand the cause-and-effect relationships within the model. An interpretable model is one where a person can follow and predict the model's decisions without requiring complex explanations. For example, linear regression models are inherently interpretable because the relationship between input features and the outcome is straightforward and easily understood.

  • Local vs Global Explainability

XAI techniques can also be categorized into local and global explainability. Local explainability focuses on explaining individual predictions. For instance, if a language model like GPT-4 generates a specific response, local explainability would involve understanding why the model produced that particular response, perhaps by identifying the influential words or phrases in the input. Global explainability, in contrast, aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how the model behaves across all possible inputs. This is crucial for understanding the overall logic and rules the model follows. For example, a global explanation might reveal that a facial recognition system disproportionately misclassifies people of certain ethnicities, indicating a broader bias issue.

Feature importance is a key concept in XAI that helps determine which input features most significantly impact the model's predictions. For instance, in a medical diagnosis model, feature importance could reveal that age and blood pressure are the most critical factors in predicting the likelihood of a heart condition. Techniques like SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) and LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) are widely used to assess feature importance in both local and global contexts.

  • Advanced Techniques in XAI: Probing, Counterfactual Explanations, and More

Additionally, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 contain intricate inner representations that capture various aspects of language and knowledge. Probing involves analyzing these inner layers to understand what the model has learned. For example, researchers might probe an LLM to see how well it captures syntactic structures or semantic meanings. By doing so, they can gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the model, such as its ability to understand complex sentence structures or the nuances of different languages.

Another technique for understanding LLMs are Counterfactual explanations, which involve altering the input to an AI model to observe how these changes affect the output. This approach is particularly useful for understanding LLMs. For example, if an LLM generates biased language, a counterfactual approach might involve modifying the input prompt slightly to see if the output changes to a less biased response. This helps in identifying the conditions under which biases or errors occur, providing a deeper understanding of the model's decision-making process.

Beyond explainability, ensuring that AI models are calibrated—that is, their confidence levels accurately reflect the likelihood of being correct—is crucial. Calibration is particularly important in high-stakes applications, such as autonomous driving or healthcare, where overconfidence in incorrect predictions can have serious consequences. Techniques like reliability diagrams and Brier scores are used to assess and improve calibration.

Error analysis is another vital component of XAI. It moves away from aggregate accuracy metrics and involves systematically identifying and understanding the types and sources of errors in a model's predictions. For instance, error analysis might reveal that an image recognition system struggles with low-light conditions, prompting targeted improvements.

Other XAI approaches include visualization tools, like t-SNE or PCA plots, which help in understanding the high-dimensional spaces that models operate in, and interactive systems that allow users to query and explore the model's reasoning processes.

The many faces of XAI highlight the diverse approaches needed to make AI systems transparent, accountable, and trustworthy. By employing a combination of explainability, interpretability, feature importance, and other methods, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of AI models. This understanding is essential not only for improving the models themselves but also for ensuring their safe and fair deployment in real-world applications. As AI continues to evolve, so too will the tools and techniques for making these systems more explainable and reliable.

The future of explainable AI

  • Challenges and Opportunities with Generative AI

As the landscape of AI evolves, the future of XAI is increasingly defined by the complexities introduced by generative AI and the expanding regulatory frameworks of AI technologies. These developments present unique opportunities and challenges that XAI must address to ensure ethical and transparent AI systems.

Generative AI, exemplified by models like GPT-4 and DALL-E, has opened up new possibilities for creating realistic and creative content. These models can generate everything from coherent text and realistic images to original music, offering vast potential in sectors like media, entertainment, and marketing. For instance, an AI-driven advertising campaign can automatically generate tailored ad copy and visuals for different audiences, enhancing personalization and engagement.

However, the complexity of these models poses significant challenges for explainability. For example, when a generative model creates a deepfake video, it can be challenging to trace how the model synthesized elements from various data sources to produce the final output. This lack of transparency can lead to ethical concerns, particularly if the generated content is used maliciously, such as spreading misinformation.

XAI tools must evolve to tackle these issues by providing insights into the internal workings of generative models. For example, techniques like feature attribution can help identify which aspects of an input prompt influenced a particular output, aiding in the detection of biases or unintended content generation. Understanding these aspects is crucial for ensuring that generative AI systems are used responsibly and ethically, such as verifying the authenticity of media content or preventing the generation of biased or harmful material.

  • XAI's Role in Navigating Regulatory Frameworks

On the other hand, as AI systems become more embedded in decision-making processes across various domains, regulatory oversight is becoming increasingly stringent. XAI is essential in helping organizations meet these regulatory requirements by providing transparency and accountability. For instance, in the healthcare sector, AI algorithms are used to assist in diagnosing diseases. Regulatory bodies may require that these algorithms provide clear explanations for their diagnoses, especially when they deviate from standard medical practice. XAI can provide these explanations, detailing how the model arrived at a particular diagnosis based on input features like patient history, lab results, and medical imaging. This capability not only helps healthcare providers trust AI recommendations but also ensures compliance with regulations protecting patient safety and data privacy.

In the case of financial industry, XAI plays a crucial role in explaining decisions related to credit scoring and loan approvals. For example, if an AI system denies a loan application, XAI can elucidate the reasons behind the decision, such as insufficient income or a low credit score. This transparency is not only vital for regulatory compliance, ensuring that decisions are not discriminatory, but also helps build trust with customers by providing clear and understandable reasons for adverse outcomes.

As regulatory frameworks continue to evolve, XAI will be indispensable in ensuring that AI systems adhere to new standards. For example, the European Union's proposed AI Act emphasizes the need for high-risk AI systems to be transparent and explainable. XAI tools can support compliance by providing detailed model documentation and real-time monitoring of AI decision-making processes, thereby ensuring that AI deployments meet legal and ethical standards.

XAI is at a critical juncture, driven by the fast advancement of AI technologies and the increasing emphasis on regulatory compliance. Generative AI presents transformative opportunities for innovation across industries, yet it also introduces significant challenges in ensuring transparency and ethical governance. Simultaneously, the tightening regulatory landscape requires robust XAI frameworks to ensure that AI systems are transparent, accountable, and adhere to stringent legal and ethical standards. Effectively addressing these challenges is essential for building stakeholder trust and ensuring the responsible and impactful deployment of AI technologies in various sectors.

Laura Zanella and Natalia Bobkova

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